Donate to the Doll Finder

Please help keep the database running with a small donation. If you prefer not to donate something monetary, please help by donating information instead (by adding a few dolls to the database).
All donations go directly to managing the subscriptions required to keep the database running. You can go to the Ko-fi page to see donation progress. Everything is listed publicly. See below for a cost breakdown.
Ko-fi accepts both PayPal and Stripe!
Please note that PayPal and Stripe take a fee from the donation, so you may not see the full amount applied to the goal.
Alternatively, you can use "Buy me a coffee" instead of Ko-fi!

Other Ways to Help

Don't want to donate? That's okay! You can sign up with one of our affiliates. By signing up using our affiliate links and codes, the Doll Finder gets account credits/commissions. These credits help go towards the bill for the respective service.
Airtable is the database software that Doll Finder uses to store all the doll information.
Doll Finder gets a $10 credit for every person we refer to Airtable!
We'll only receive credit if you sign up and verify your email.
Fillout is the form software Doll Finder uses to collect information that users contribute.
Doll Finder earns a 30% recurring commission for anyone that signs up for a paid Fillout plan with our referral link. We receive commissions so long as you remain a paying customer.

Advertise on Doll Finder!

Do you have a product, service, or other doll related content? You can help Doll Finder by running your ad on our site and promote yourself or your business at the same time! Prices and locations vary, so click the link below for more information.
Doll Finder Expenses
Total database cost: $252/year
Click on any of the services below to view detailed information on each service.
Please note that the Doll Finder will need to switch to a paid plan in order to increase the functionality of the database. The free database plan has reached its limits!
The Doll Finder
What will you find?


  • Add a Doll
  • Add a Company
  • Add Resin Comparison
Dofi, the Doll Finders mascot, is not available to use outside of this website. Dofi character, design, and artwork belong to DEKO. Any unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.
Please note that the pencil icon is a placeholder image while the mascot is being created.

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